Much has happened including the ceremony and celebration I wrote about last month, the two best being that Elaine has come into SL and visited the family on a few occasions, and that Emma has managed to escape her RL a couple of times to visit Eefje/Eva/evie
This week I received one of those surprise group notices, which I am reproducing here:
Group Notice From: Zena
I got email from Neale Donald Walsh today. He often writes at the end of his email: "You know exactly why you received this message today." And yes, I know why I received it. I've put it in a notecard. Maybe it's meant for you too.
This notice has an attachment.
Thank you Zena, I too know why I received the attachment which I reproduce below for all of us to read and absorb:
Morning comes every day.
The sunrise does not fail, nor the sunset.
Give it time. That is all that may be required. Just give it time.
Do not try to push the river.
The cycles of life present themselves, play themselves out,
and make smooth every passage and terrain.
Try not to get caught up in your story of the moment.
Look, rather, to the Long Story. Therein will be found your peace.
The cycles will redeem this moment, if you let them, and even this shall pass.
22th of September, Neale Donald Walsh
Annemie always wanted us to go on after she had left us.
She wanted us to continue to enjoy life with all of the energy and enthusiasm that she had.
I hope that all my blog entries of the past month are not seen as being self-centred nor self-serving.
They are meant to cheer all of us up and inspire us all to embrace life again.
And especially those who are unable to visit SL frequently they are meant to be a way for us all to stay in touch and remain close.
One night as we danced I explained to Annemarie why I had named my Ozland island "Sunrise, Sunset".
I recited to her this piece of poetry that is recited by Australians and other peoples in memory of the young who were lost in the World Wars ...
“They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”
So age shall not weary our Annemarie,
although the disease did debilitate her,
we shall grow old,
cherishing our memories of her enthusiasms
for life, dance, music, and love.
As always, in love, to all of you, Olivia.
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