But I should not forget my own girls, nor my friends.
This year has been one of turmoil for me, including letting my roberta go so that she can follow her destiny just like lisa before her.
Since then I gain biny who then decided that D/s was not for her -- I wish her well.
Whilst walking with biny as a pair we attracted ana who has steadfastly stayed with me despite our very different and conflicting schedules.
ana is a delight ... she honours me with her service ... and she is a fabulous dresser ... and we take each other places, here we are in the opium den I call the "Belly of the Beast" at the Moulin Rouge:

And we both love dancing ... here we are in the ballroom of the Moulin Rouge:

And it was here I introduced her to Eefje ...

I think Annemie and I might have to have a discussion about our girl !
I needed to take her in hand ... so to speak ;-)

hmmmmmmmmm, dear eefje, she is a lovely "handful" isn't she :-))
And now I must describe one of those lovely SL stories ... heather and I met in Mysteria many many moons ago, and whenever our paths crossed thereafter we would take time out to have fun.
heather seemed to have an endless collection of romantic places where we would hang out (she claims 2,000 of her 4,000 inventory items are of our times together).
But heather was always someone else's girl ... and I did not realise how important we were to each other until she returned this year after a long absence of studying to say she was free (in more ways than one - hooray!) and could spend more time with me.
heather is re-exploring SL and we have been racing cars and sailing boats together, and on St Valentine's day she presented me with this lovely rose:

and took me to her latest find where we danced and danced listening to lovely songs by Frank Sinatre and others ...

I love my girls, and as time zones permit I am introducing them to e/Eefje and emma, and hopefully soon to Annemarie and liz ... there will always be two families but I hope many shared experiences, good times, lost of fun, and much dancing :-))
Love you all ... xxxXXXXXxxx
PS I think I should next write about my part time submissives linda and torela
PPS And then I must write about my dear friends
My dear sweet Olivia,
Introducing Evie to a couple of such beautiful redheads is asking for trouble.
It will need lots of close interaction between us to make sure everything stays within our respective boundaries.
But alligned as you and me are, that will both be easy and lots of fun.
At least for you and me. (grins)
Your Annemie
/me just grins
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