Saturday, 24 November 2018

Another year has past ...

Yes, another year has past without me posting to the blog.
Much has changed in my real life, and there have been less changes in my second life.
However as many of us have said over the real, real life becomes the first life over second life.
None the less I do visit SL at least twice a week for several hours on end, and I have kept my coterie of friends ... or at least the ones who have stayed in SL !  Some sadly have left for their own valid reasons.

I made this post today because someone asked me about my blog, and to my horror ! yes, horror !! I discovered that I had accidentally deleted reference to it from my profile :(

So I have at least (I think, I must double check) fixed that error !

And now by way of thank you to the lady who pointed out my mistake, and caused this update (including title updates to comply with EU laws!) I give you this memento of my session with her ...