Friday, 30 September 2016

***** xox Good Night xox

unfortunately evie made a bad / sad selection - her present did not look too good - almost seemed like she'd been out through a laundromat backwards ... so here we are catching the train to Paris (I wish)

**** I assert my authority :)

or perhaps you could argue I bribed them with the promise of new clothes ... to go to a new BDSM sim ... where I was very pleased to put my beautiful girls on display ...

*** cuddles evie and ro'tjie after dancing

roberta arrived at the (bids) dance hall naked - so evie decide to keep her company - afterwards we went to one of the club's rooms and cuddled

** Dancing with evie ...

I love this dress !
And the dance sequences ...






* What a lovely night

I have had a wonderful evening
- unfortunately I just missed chloe
- so I took more fashion shots *
- then emma came on and we had a lovely chat
- then a new friend invited me to dance at a new club
- she then crashed but fortunately evie/Eva then logged on and so we had a lovely dance **
- then roberta joined us for a bit of a dance and then cuddles ***
- then we went to a bdsm sim to show the girls off naked and then buy them some clothes ****
- then we want home and had some photoshoots together *****
- and talked about being naughty
- and then ended the evening with promises of what we will do tomorrow
I love my girls, their partners, and our collection of friends

for **, ***, ****,  *****, ****** see the following posts --- although I may choose to censor one or two of them once I have the negatives spread out on the light table :)

* and here are the first shots from this evening ...


Trying to ...

... create a photo studio for a better background to my fashion shoots

I think I need to work a little harder !   Here I am waiting for eefje to alight from her train *smiles*

retail explorations exposed

Well !

I think I either need to remember to wear knickers, slightly longer minis, or position my camera more discretely ...


Or dress in a style that becomes me !

Thursday, 29 September 2016

retail explorations

I am still exploring my Mesh Project's body and its ability to adapt to other mesh clothing because:
a) I loath the Mesh Project's store ... it is an arctic wasteland and the epitome of bad design
b) I find the clothing expensive ... and then irritating when you have to buy even more textures just to polish a brass buckle

So courtesy of chloe (a lovely girl) I have enrolled in maybe as much as 10 (yes ten !) groups and I am now drowning in free offers, cheap offers, and exquisite expensive clothing offers.

Here are some recent purchases "on display" ... perhaps I should follow eefje's example and post them on flikr ?


What do you think ?
(( I really do need to work on getting a proper photo studio, or better backdrop ))